Many people worry about things that they can't control. Especially at the moment, there are so many things that are out of our control, it can be quite unnerving.
Focusing on the things that you can control can keep you on track and motivated to continue to grow.
Accept that there will always be uncertainty in the world and that we are going to have emotions such as sadness, frustration, and grief. These are healthy emotions that help us deal with problems as long as they are not too intense and are few and far between. If they do start to implode on your life, it is probably because you are trying to control the uncontrollable.
Try this exercise to help you:
Get a piece of paper or notebook and draw 2 lines down the page. On the left-hand side write uncontrollable ,write controllable on the other side and write influence in the middle.
Write down all the things that you have no control over on the left side and on the right-hand side, write down all the things you can control. When you are doing this, you may notice that some things you can influence but can't control and these go in the middle
Many of the things in the controllable list will be about yourself. Take responsibility for these things. Set a main goal to work to and chunk it down to goals that concentrate on the process to achieve this goal and set some short-term objectives to ensure that you stay on track.
Acknowledge the things that you can influence but don't waste time focusing on these things, you just need to notice they are there. Your main focus is on the controllables.
Review, evaluate and then refine. This is an ongoing exercise, so it is important to keep accountable and tweak if necessary as the situation is always changing.