John Couture
As a parent, we often wonder what is the best thing to say to our child on the car rides to and from practice and games.
1. Tell me about it!
- Them, not you. Let them speak- whatever is important to them will be discussed.
2. Tell me about your dreams!
- Let them dream big and set goals- from their own minds
3. I love to watch you play!
- Simply enjoy the game- don’t keep score.
4. I believe in you!
- Confidence in them will go a long way with their confidence in themselves.
5. I am proud of you!
- They should know that you are proud of them, not their stats.
6. You got this!
- Pushing their adversity is a strength for all athletes.
7. Well done!
- Celebrate small victories. Helping them see small victories that are not in the stat sheet will give them a sense of achievement.
8. I am sorry.
- Recognizing your child’s feelings is acceptable. Support and show them love.
9. How can I help?
- Ask them what you can do to help, but let them take the lead.
10. You are making great progress!
- When accomplishments are achieved, acknowledge them.
Parent support is the fuel for champions.