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Martin Turner

Sport Performance Specialist

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People are disturbed not by events, but by thier view of event.

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Areas of Expertise
Performance under pressure
PhD in Sport Psychology: The performance consequences, and manipulation, of challenge and threat states (with BPS PhD Thesis Award).
Distinction MSc degree in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology (with thesis and academic profile awards).
1st class hons degree in Sport Studies.

I specialise in how to maximise performance under pressure using psychological skills training. With colleagues I developed psychophysiological pressure testing protocols used by business and sport organisations to understand reactions to performance stress. I also developed “Smart Thinking”, a strategy for helping people deal with adversity, based on Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, for which I am also qualified to practice. Currently I am Lead Sport Psychologist with England Futsal and Scarlets Rugby and consult with a variety of professional sport and business organisations.

Martin Turner Specialties