View a 70 minute recorded webinar on demand - at a time that suits you - exploring how to manage a fear of falling in climbers.
Managing a Fear of Falling in Climbers
Fear of falling is a common anxiety for climbers at all levels of experience, yet one which the climbing community largely views as ‘irrational’ due to the equipment used being relatively safe, and the need to push oneself to the point of falling in order to progress. Many climbers take practice falls in order to try overcome their fears, but for many this is ineffective, or worse, amplifies fears and worries. In this talk, Dr Rebecca Williams will outline common misconceptions about the fear of falling in climbers, underlying causes and maintaining factors, and strategies to help climbers learn to manage their worries about falling off, so they can enjoy climbing to their potential.
Dr Rebecca Williams
Rebecca worked as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and within the NHS for 19 years, before moving to private practice in 2019, and has been working as a Performance Psychology Coach for the last 15 years. She works with climbers of all ages from grassroots to elite level, and specialises in the management of anxiety for climbers and the development of healthy coping skills. Rebecca has run workshops on the psychology of climbing and mountaineering for many different audiences, from the Women’s Climbing Symposium, MTA’s Performance Coach ‘Coaching the Mind’ module, the Diploma in Mountain Medicine, NICAS, Youth Climbing Symposium, to various climbing clubs, as well as presenting the psychology keynote speech at the International Rock Climbing Research Association congress in Chamonix in 2018.