Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web to allow people to communicate with each other. That initial notion and vision of ‘communication’ did not estimate the actual expansive and extensive development of how we use the Internet and World Wide Web today. In simple terms, we use the Internet because it is convenient to use; it has an incredible reach across the world for relatively low cost. It allows us to personalise our communication with others and develop relationships we could not develop so easily before. Because we can create relationships, our social world develops transcending the typical geographical boundaries we were accustomed before. If you are not using the Internet for your business, you might be working harder and not realising the benefits of this effort. This is particularly important for people who can offer sport psychology related advice, such as sport psychologists, clinical psychologists, counsellors, mental performance consultants psychiatrists etc whose work is not only local but can be national and even international. Here are the 5 Cs of Internet marketing:
Cost: Physical marketing of products and services is necessary sometimes, however, the Internet is a low cost and influential marketing service alternative. You can easily upload your profile and skills for the world to see on the Internet. If you are a clinical psychologist working in sport, does anyone know? If you are a mental performance consultant specialising in baseball how might someone find you internationally? And because people use their mobile phones or tablets to find services, being located on a trusted directory listed at the top of search engines offers the best chance that your services will be found and used. In simple terms a directory like our offers the public an easy to access list of sport psychologists, mental performance consultants and sport psychology related professionals.
You are open for business even when you are not open for business. In other words, people are finding your goods and services without the staff costs or opening hours typically required. The easier it is to find you and your services the most likely it is that your local patients and clients will choose you. While many people search for a 'sport psychologist near me' many are also open to consider working nationally and internationally with the right person if they have a specific expertise.
The world of sport, exercise and physical activity gathers people from all walks of life. Even on our directory we list people from such diverse backgrounds as sport psychologists, clinical psychologists, counsellors, mental performance consultants and psychiatrists. Different age groups, sports, and activities mean that the needs of a client vary endlessly. Inter-professional collaboration means better sport performance and wellbeing outcomes for the client. For instance, a sport psychologist might need to collaborate with a clinical psychologist to offer the best service to a distance runner. To offer this service, however, you need to know who has the expertise you are after to develop these collaborations.
When you market your services on the Internet you are widening your target market locally, nationally and internationally. Although you might be most interested in building a strong local presence, growing your business nationally, grows your business locally because you become recognised for your excellence to your clients and patients. A sport psychologist in America may very well end up offering a service to a sports performer in Australia.
People do business with people because we are social beings that like to meet others and develop sustaining and rewarding relationships. Clients and patients seek out people whom they can trust and allow those professionals to care for them when they know those professionals care about them. Your online profile can communicate the quality of care you provide for those who seek your services.
You can search our directory to see who is listed and you can join our directory and be part of our community here.
Image by Muhammad Ribkhan from Pixabay